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Mission Control Reimagined

The Operating System for Maneuver Optimization and Task Planning
Launching8 . 5 . 24


Powered by
Multi-Target Rendezvous
(i.e., traveling
salesman in space)
Continuous Thrust
(i.e., maneuver plans typically associated
with electric propulsion systems)
Industry-leading AI-enabled Capabilities
Multi-Agent, Multi-Target
Impulsive Burn
Optimize for
propellant consumption
Mission Planning

Real-world Application

Platform Integration
Wargaming Exercises
Performing Trade Studies
starfire guy
STARFIRE is the Operating Systembehind everything we do atturion logo
Turion Space’s API end-points and web-based application enables optimization of your fleet operations. Task your payload hosted on a DROIDTM satellite and gain new insights about the space environment, unlocking full confidence in your next move.
Potential Unlocked

Under the Hood

Unleash the full suite of our DROIDTM fleet capabilities.
API End-points
Web-based UI

From the customer interface to maneuver and task planning to mission control, user commands seamlessly relay to the fleet through our partner ground station network.

Data is then delivered, fused, analyzed, and transferred back to you, securely and reliably.


Domain Awareness

  • Long-range, high-resolution electro-optical imager for resolved flyby image capture of satellites. Anomaly Resolution and Discreet Surveillance.
  • Continuously running electro-optical sensors for enhanced situational awareness. Maneuver detection, covariance reduction, and expanded catalog.
  • Perception system for fully autonomous, taskable RPO.
Expanded Capabilities

Enhanced Mobility

  • Life Extension
  • Removal, disposal, retrieval of debris and orbital assets
  • Next generation defense capabilities